Tax advice when you need it

The complex world of VAT

Our specialist VAT team works with you to protect your business’s profitability. In principle, VAT is a simple tax; however, the law and regulations governing VAT are forever changing. When coupled with regular new interpretations by the courts, in both the UK and Europe, VAT is, in fact, a very complex tax.

Tax laws can trap the unwary, leading to unexpected bills and potentially substantial penalties. Therefore, businesses must take specialist advice to help minimise their VAT liability. We can help you with indirect taxes and VAT.

How can we help you?

At VPC, we offer indirect taxes and VAT advice on any and every topic, no matter how simple or complex, including:

Our in-depth knowledge of VAT is based on the experience gained by our VAT specialists both within Customs and Excise and professional practice. We give you the best possible advice, ensuring you only pay the VAT you are legally required to pay and that you obtain all the reliefs to which you are entitled.

For more information, give us a call on 0203 773 99 40. Alternatively, why not book your VAT MOT today?

What is a VAT MOT?

Our team will check the following:

  • Is expenditure being allocated against the correct income stream?
  • Are you paying too much VAT?
  • Have your previous VAT returns been submitted correctly?
  • Could you have underpaid? Find out early enough to do something about it
  • Is the correct rate of VAT being applied to sales?

Meet the team